Unified Message Structure

Author:Jan Borsodi (jborsodi [at] opera.com)
Date:23th June 2009

Unified Message Structure, or UMS for short, is a system for defining message structures in a generic format which can be exported to and imported from multiple formats.

The main requirement for the system was to be able to work with XML, JSON and Protocol Buffers. This is possible by defining a sub-set of all supported formats.

In addition the system is also meant to assist with code-generation of parsers and serializers for various languages, reducing the need for manually crafted code.

The main component is the messages. They define a set of fields which make up the message. Each field defines a specific type (integer or string) and information on whether it is required, optional or repeated, in addition to meta-information like name and a number. The structure of the message is defined by the name and tag of each field and the order of the fields. Name is important for XML, tag is important for Protocol Buffers, and order is important for JSON. The tag is a number which is unique to that field within each message. Tags are defined in the range of 1 to (2^31)-1. The name is a non-empty string written in camel-case.

A tool written in Python is available for dealing with UMS data: http://bitbucket.org/scope/hob/


The types in the system are based upon the types in Protocol Buffers which consist of a set of integer types, boolean, string and binary. Nested messages are also possible with a special type called Message.

More details on types can be read in the Protocol Buffer documentation.


Currently floating-point numbers are not supported due to the different nature of floating numbers between different processors.


64 bit types are not yet supported due to incomplete support for them in the Opera core.


Enums are not yet supported, should be easy as they are basically sent as numbers but require some extra handling in the generated code.


The quantifier defines whether the field is required or not. If the field is not required it can be defined as either optional or as being repeated. A repeated field with zero elements and an optional field which is missing are considered the same.

Style guide

The style guide for services and all related elements are explained in detail in in style-guide-stp1.


The syntax for defining messages is based upon the Protocol Buffers syntax: http://code.google.com/apis/protocolbuffers/docs/proto.html


Currently there is no parser for this, and everything is written in pure Python. A parser will be added once STP/1 and UMS stabilizes.

Supported formats

UMS is designed to work with XML, JSON and Protocol Buffers. XML and JSON are text-based formats while Protocol Buffers is an efficient binary format.


XML is the least efficient format to use among the supported ones, and is mainly kept as a way for getting output that is easy-to-read, for instance for debugging or inspection.


  • All integer types are encoded/decoded as textual numbers. Size and signs are checked for when decoding numbers. For instance:

  • double and float are encoded similar to integers but allows for fractions. For instance:

  • bool is encoded/decoded as a textual number with 0 being false and 1 being true, other values are not allowed.

  • string is encoded as UTF-8 XML text with XML entities for certain characters. For instance:

  • bytes is encoded as UTF-8 XML text containing the base-64 representation of the binary data.


The name of the message is used in the root element of the XML structure. Each field in the message is placed as a sub-element with the same name as the field. If the field is optional and missing no element is made. It is the same with repeated fields which are empty.

A message representing a user:

message User {
  required int32  id = 1;
  required bool   isActive = 2;
  required string firstName = 3;
  required string lastName = 4;
  required float  height = 5;
  optional uint32 age = 6;

would be encoded like this:


For repeated fields the element also contains a sub-element for each item in the repeated field, the name of the sub-element is taken from the field name by removing the suffix List. This means that a field named windowList will have sub-elements named window.

For instance representing a height map like this:

message HeightMap {
  required uint32 width = 1;
  required uint32 height = 2;
  repeated int32  valueList = 3;

would result in this:


The same is true for nested messages. Each item will contain the fields for the sub-message:

message PhoneBook {
  message PhoneNumber {
      required string number = 1;
      optional string extension = 2;
  repeated PhoneNumber phoneNumberList = 1;

would end up as:



JSON uses the order of the fields to pack messages into JSON lists. Lists were chosen to cut down on the amount of information that is needed to send.

All integer types are encoded/decoded as textual numbers. Size and sign are checked for when decoding numbers. Boolean type is encoded/decoded as a textual number with 0 being false and 1 being true. Other values are not allowed. Strings are encoded as UTF-8 JSON strings. Binary data is encoded as JSON strings containing the base-64 representation of the binary data. Messages are encoded as JSON lists with the order of the fields being kept. Missing elements are sent as the null type. In addition, trailing elements which are missing are cut off from the list. Repeated types are encoded as JSON lists.

For more details on JSON see RFC 4627 or visit http://json.org

For instance this structure:

message DummyData {
  required int32 id = 1;
  required string name = 2;
  repeated int32 fib = 3;

Could be encoded like this:


Using more optional fields:

message DummyData {
  required int32 id = 1;
  optional string name = 2;
  message SubData {
    required uint32 field1 = 1;
    optional uint32 field2 = 2;
    optional uint32 field3 = 3;
  required SubData msg = 4;

Could be encoded like this:


While this would be just as valid:


Protocol Buffers

PB is the most efficient way to transport data for languages that excel at encoding/decoding binary data (e.g. C/C++). Other languages like JavaScript and Python might be better off with using JSON.

PB is explained in detail at the main site: http://code.google.com/apis/protocolbuffers/docs/overview.html

Code generation

The system supports code generation of the message structures and encoders/ decoders.


The C++ generator translates the message structures into C++ classes. This allows C++ code to interact with messages using native structures. Encoding and decoding is handled as a separate layer and is generated.


We do not use the protoc compiler from Protocol Buffers since the generated code is not compatible with the limited C++ usage in the Opera core.


Code generation for JavaScript is designed around the fact that JavaScript code will use JSON for formatting messages on the wire. This means that there is little need for encoding/decoding of data. Extended code generation is available when RPC (services) are in use.

To aid in debugging incoming JSON data the system can generate code that outputs JSON data to a human-readable form.

